The FREE Secret to Success That No One Told You About

Jean-Michel Ghoussoub
4 min readJan 7, 2018
© Eric Wissa

It’s the New Year and you have big plans for 2018.

You want to lose weight, make more money, work less, travel more, party in LA with celebrities, explore a new career, spend more time with you kids, start yoga and meditation, surf in Hawaii, launch a business, grow an organic garden, hike the Himalayas, scuba dive in Thailand, win big in Vegas, rent a private island in Fiji, date a supermodel, fight whale poachers with the Sea Shepherds in the Southern Ocean, meet the Dalai Lama, ride a Harley on Route 66, sail solo around Cape Horn, that kind of stuff.

After spending a couple of hours daydreaming in front of your computer, you will have to make a hard choice. Either get up and start working on making a few of these things happen this year or get lost in the day to day grind and gradually forget about them until the end of the year only to start over again. Groundhog Day style.

But then you see all these Facebook and Instagram ads with young and ripped models telling you how to change your life by following their advice. It’s EASY, it’s GARANTEED, it’s a SECRET, it’s a FORMULA to LOSE WEIGHT, GET RIPPED, START YOUR OWN BUSINESS, MAKE MONEY ONLINE, GET RICH, TRAVEL THE WORLD, be a DIGITAL NOMAD, DATE SUPERMODELS, HAVE GREAT SEX, BE ZEN and CHANGE THE WORLD. They know exactly what to do. You just have to follow their advice. But it’s not FREE…

You look at these ads and their childish promises and you think: no one’s gullible enough to buy that crap, right?

But it seems like lots of people do.

Over and over again.

It’s like those infomercials from the 1990s with Ron Popeil.

They were as bad as can be, but enough people bought Pasta Makers, fake hair sprayer, Shamwows, Ginsu knives, Bowflexes, Snuggies and Ab Rollers to make him and other promoters quite rich.

It’s the same good old Advertising and Bullshit as portrayed by George Carlin.


“You can short-circuit the two or three neurons that people use for common sense by appealing to their greed. Nothing defines humans better than their willingness to do irrational things in the pursuit of phenomenally unlikely payoffs. This is the principle behind lotteries, dating, and religion. You can use this quirk of human nature to your advantage and it won’t cost you a dime. The psychological explanation for this phenomenon is that life sucks and we’d rather all fantasize about being someplace else. Your job as a Machiavellian manipulator is to give people a microscopic chance of gaining riches by doing your biddings.” — Scott Adams, The Dilbert Principle


I’ll tell you a little secret — for free.


You just don’t feel like it.

Life is not complicated you see.

But it’s hard.

Especially if you aim high.

Let’s say you want to lose weight. You know you have to eat more veggies and cut down on junk food and sugar. You also have to exercise a few hours every week. It’s not rocket fucking science.

But it’s hard.

And you don’t feel like it right now.

That’s why you are tempted by easy fixes and short cuts. The promise of big results with little or no effort.

You fall for it every time.

It never works.

But still you hope.

That’s because all those things you fantasize about, it’s just wishful thinking. You don’t want it badly enough. There’s no fire burning inside of you. You don’t want to sacrifice your little comfort. You think you’ll have the time to do it later. Some day. We all know what that means.

In the meantime, you’re just a cog in the machine. An ant that works but doesn’t dream.

I don’t blame you.

Society was designed for you to fit in and forget your individuality.

Work, pay your bills and die without making too much noise.

And it starts with the majority of parents clipping their kids’ wings by saying NO all the time, being overly afraid and telling them to be cautious.

You can do better.

You have it in you to break free from years of negative conditioning.

To do so, YOU ONLY NEED THREE THINGS and that’s what I wish for you this year:

  1. Realize that you are mortal and that you have no idea how much time you have left.
  2. Find a dream so exciting that you are willing to sacrifice something to make it come true.
  3. Go for it.

Don’t wait for the right time. The right time is now.

It won’t be easy.

But it’ll be worth it.

