Learn to Dream

Jean-Michel Ghoussoub
3 min readAug 1, 2021


Photo by Alex Azabache on Unsplash

“Dare to Dream big dreams; only big dreams have the power to move men’s souls.” — Marcus Aurelius

You think that success is about measurable goals, effective time management, hard work, discipline, sacrifices, hustle, having the right tools or tech, being smart, surrounding yourself with the right people, proper timing and a little luck? And in a way, it is. But really, this is all secondary.

At the heart of every big success, there is a dream; a fire burning from within. If you’ve got it, all the other elements will gravitate towards you.

As they say: If you’ve got a big enough WHY, the HOW’s will come looking for you.

A compelling dream will give you surpluses of energy and enthusiasm; and these, in turn, will attract the right people and circumstances to you and bring success.

Don’t be reasonable. Ever. The world is full of sad, reasonable people. How can you be happy when all you do is work to pay the bills and your idea of fun is a glass of wine on Friday, a new pair of shoes, a new car every 3 years or a tropical vacation once in a while?

AI, robots, software and automation will take a lot of jobs in the near future. That’s a fact. But machines can’t dream. They can’t inspire.

Only humans can. And to be truly human, you have to be able to dream. Most of us forgot how. Overly cautious and anxious parents clip their children’s wings. Peer pressure from average friends and family bring us down. Alcohol, antidepressants and other drugs numb us. Soul killing jobs crush our spirit.

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to change you is the greatest accomplishment.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson.

We settle, become risk averse and average. Success is measured in material terms: How do you look? What do you have?

“Is there a difference between average and mediocre? Not so much.” — Seth Godin

Most people think they have dreams, but they don’t. They’ll tell you that they want to be rich, stop working, travel the world, live a life of luxury in 5 star resorts, dine in Michelin rated restaurants and buy expensive toys: McMansions, exotic cars, designer wardrobes and private jets… The same “dream” that’s been sold to everyone else.

A true dream is specific to you and takes flights on your unique strengths. It generally implies pushing your limits, learning a lot, helping others and making a difference with the gifts life gave you.

“Responsibility and burdens give life substance. To choose only the easiest option is a recipe for emptying life of this substance. If your life doesn’t make a difference to others, then in the long run it won’t matter all that much to you either.” — Erling Kagge, Philosophy for Polar Explorers

To save the World, we do not need more money or better technology (although they will help); we need more dreamers.

Look around you. Everything you see was first dreamed by someone before it became real.

Want a better World? Learn to dream better dreams.

“The only way out is going to be mapped by those able to dream.” — Seth Godin, Stop Stealing Dreams



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